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2011年3月4日 星期五

[足球] 球證一埸波發出36張紅牌

Claypole 2-0 Victoriano Arenas

一場波居然有 36張紅牌?真係o架,日前喺克萊波爾贏維多利亞奴 2:0嘅阿根廷一場地區聯賽上,球證魯賓奴因雙方職球員打大架,於是將兩隊嘅22個球員加埋後備同埋技術人員總共36人,通通趕出場,仲創埋世界紀錄㖭。不過克萊波爾的總經理米素利就認為魯賓奴反應過敏,佢話:「大部份球員都係想勸架,但球證就搞錯咗。」

Mass Brawl - New world record: 36 Red Cards in a Football Game. It occurred in a fifth division match in Argentina between Claypole and Victoriano Arenas.

The referee flashed the red card an astonishing 36 times as players, coaches and supporters became embroiled in a mass on-field brawl. Referee Damian Rubino sent off all 22 players plus the substitutes, team coaches and technical staff as the match descended into chaos in the second half of the game.

Rival Argentinian team Claypole - who beat his side Victoriano Arenas 2-0 - accused the referee of overreacting to the bust-up in Buenos Aires.

Manager Sergio Micieli said: "Most players were trying to separate people. The ref was confused."

The world record was previously held by a 1993 game in Paraguay that saw 20 players sent off.




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