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2010年12月31日 星期五

[音樂頻道] Dani Shay - What The Hell

Dani Shay - What The Hell (Justin Bieber - Baby Parody)

Dani Shay - What The Hell


Ohh wooaa........
I guess you know this, I guess you care.
about the way I flip my hair
You say it's Bieber, you say it's hot
But let me tell you it's no it's no it's no it's not.
Am I on TV?The girl who's playing.
He looks just like me. What are you saying.
Said there's another who looks things like you
and he is on every single channel love you too
but now I was like

what the hell are you talking about
I was like
what the hell are you talking about
I was like
what the hell are you talking about
this face has always been mine, mine
what the hell are you talking about
I'm just like
what the hell are you talking about
yeah I'm like
what the hell are you talking about
this face has always been mine

Oh I knew this couldn't be on real life
I must be dreaming deceiving myself in real time
but I'm gonna play it cool until I know it's true
so then I finally turn on my Mac to see
This Justin Bieber
Oh no this can't be
you gotta shake me till you wake me from this bad dream
I'm going down down down down
and now I just can't believe a mini me he's now I'm found
now I'm like

what the hell are you talking about
I'm just like
what the hell are you talking about
I'm like
what the hell are you talking about
this face has always been mine , mine
what the hell are you talking about
yeah I say
what the hell are you talking about
Oh I'm like
what the hell are you talking about
this face has always been mine

yeah I'm 22 years old and yes I'm quite confused cuz nobody got the same on my daddy except my sister Ashley
so who are you
you got me going crazy what am I supposed to do
There's screaming
oh same baby
but aren't my songs good,too?
I have my own words
I'll make a thing and you listen to me sing and maybe I'll rapperbiers too cuz that's them flow up break in
you know this can't be easy seeing that face on TV
cuz I want you to see me
so I just keep on singing

what the hell are you talking about
Oh I'm just like
what the hell are you talking about
Yeah I'm like
what the hell are you talking about
this face has always been mine , mine
what the hell are you talking about
Oh I'm just like
what the hell are you talking about
Yeah I said
what the hell are you talking about
this face has always been mine , mine
so am I all gone am I all gone am I gone gone gone
no I am not...



Dani Shay - Love The Way You Lie (Eminem Cover)

Dani Shay - "Holding On" - (Official Music Video)




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