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2010年9月23日 星期四

[八卦娛樂] Justin Bieber車廂激咀Jasmine Villegas斷正

Justin Bieber kissing Jasmine Villegas in the Car

Justin Bieber Make-out Photos

Justin Bieber -- Sucking Face with His Opening Act (TMZ.com) 2010-09-21

Justin Bieber was locked in a serious make-out session with the chick who stars in his "Baby" music video but the shocking part -- it all went down in the back of a Honda!!!

The chick playing tonsil hockey with The Biebs is 16-year-old Jasmine Villegas -- who also happens to be the opening act on Bieber's concert tour.

The photos were taken on Thursday, September 9 in Venice, CA by some Canadian tourist who just happened to notice his country's most famous pop star in the midst of a make-out session with the luckiest teenage girl on the planet.

The two had been rumored to be dating but they insisted they were just "really cool friends."

Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris




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