Funny Video Tube contains a collection of Funny Video, Picture Article and Joke that have been posted on the Internet over the past few years. You'll be able to find the latest Funny Video from around the world. If you have any Funny Video, or have created your own Funny Video, please send them in and we'll add them to our Blog! Please keep checking back whenever you're in need of a laugh.
這裏精選一些有趣得意、夠特色及娛樂性豐富的短片、圖片、文章、笑話給大家分享! 希望大家可以休閒一會!
Be Red Be Red Be Red Da Da Da~~~~ 紅紅的太陽 動了舞步 今天明天 發光 發亮 東方的巨龍 在起舞 舞吧 舞吧 舞起它 光線耀眼 熾熱明亮 龍的傳人 一起高歌唱 錦繡河山 壯麗五千年 群山 群山 高舉起勝利的鮮花 奔騰的江河 送來了 團結的力量 龍的傳人 創未來 創出美好的明天
中國的巨龍 壯麗的巨龍 你在我身邊 你在我身旁 你在我心中 心中 心中 一起去飛翔 飛上天空 飛上太空 超越時空 經得起考驗 經得起風雨 經得起磨練 巨龍巨龍 永永遠遠屹立不倒 巨龍巨龍 永永遠遠亮起來 巨龍巨龍 我為你自豪 我為你驕傲 我為你高歌 巨龍巨龍 You are beautiful, you are beautiful
Huge Dragon Huge Dragon Be Red Be Red Shine Shine Shine 中國的巨龍 壯麗的巨龍 你在我身邊 你在我身旁 你在我心中 心中 心中 一起去飛翔 飛上天空 飛上太空 超越時空 經得起考驗 經得起風雨 經得起磨練 巨龍巨龍 永永遠遠屹立不倒 巨龍巨龍 永永遠遠亮起來 巨龍巨龍 我為你自豪 我為你驕傲 我為你高歌 巨龍巨龍 You are beautiful, you are beautiful
What does it feel like to fly over planet Earth? (Fluid version)
A time-lapse taken from the front of the International Space Station as it orbits our planet at night. This movie begins over the Pacific Ocean and continues over North and South America before entering daylight near Antarctica. Visible cities, countries and landmarks include (in order) Vancouver Island, Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles. Phoenix. Multiple cities in Texas, New Mexico and Mexico. Mexico City, the Gulf of Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula, El Salvador, Lightning in the Pacific Ocean, Guatemala, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Lake Titicaca, and the Amazon. Also visible is the earths ionosphere (thin yellow line), a satellite (55sec) and the stars of our galaxy.