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2011年5月1日 星期日

[八卦娛樂] Justin Bieber 澳洲悉尼演唱會被掟蛋

Justin Bieber's Sydney, Australia Concert 2011-04-29

Justin Bieber gets pelted by eggs at Sydney Concert

Justin Bieber and Chris Brown - Look at Me Now (Live)

US pop sensation Justin Bieber has come under attack, from flying eggs.

The teen superstar was performing at Sydney's Acer Arena on Friday night, when six of eggs were launched from the crowd.

It would seem though that thousands of die-hard screaming fans were not enough to deter the egg-thrower.

A helper quickly cleaned up the mess, before the show went on.

What would you do to the egg thrower(s)? What would be their reward/punishment?

Who would egg Justin Bieber? Apparently at least one Aussie.

小Justin澳洲開騷被掟蛋 (蘋果日報) 2011-05-02

加拿大小天王Justin Bieber正在展開世界巡迴演唱會,月中更會到香港演出,前晚他在澳洲悉尼開騷,Chris Brown到場擔任嘉賓合唱,但小Justin卻碰上不愉快經歷,事關他勁歌熱舞時,有半打雞蛋從天而降,幸好沒被擊中。



小Justin(左)於澳洲悉尼開騷,更請來 Chris Brown擔任嘉賓。

小 Justin(箭嘴示)演唱時忽然有雞蛋掉下弄到滿地蛋漿,但他專業地望望後繼續演唱。




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