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2011年2月23日 星期三

[國際新聞] 蘋果教主喬布斯暴瘦影片首曝光

WORLD EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Apple Boss Steve Jobs Unsteady On His Feet Day Of Treatment At Cancer Cente

It's the world exclusive video of a gaunt and frail Steve Jobs that is bound to cause more fears about the health of the computer genius who invented the iPod, iPhone and iPad.

Walking only a few short steps from a café to his car, Jobs is wobbly and unsteady on his feet and appears to be having issues with his balance.

As Apple prepares for its annual shareholders' meeting on Wednesday, RadarOnline.com has obtained the shocking video of the 55-year-old that was taken on the same day he sought treatment at the Stanford Cancer Center in Palo Alto, California.

Jobs, who will turn 56 on Thursday, is seen leaving the restaurant on February 8 after having breakfast with his wife Laurene, the mother of three of his four children.

In the video, the world renowned entrepreneur is rail-thin and his 6-foot-2 frame appears stunningly weak.

Jobs approaches the passenger side of the car, while his wife goes to the driver’s side. Even though the car is parked directly in front of the restaurant, Jobs still struggles during the short walk.

For no apparent reason, his right foot crosses over his left and as the computer boss tries to steady himself, his left foot then crosses over his right.

Jobs catches his balance but then has even more trouble walking, until he gets in the luxury sedan.

"He is very frail, moving like a feeble old man," said a source who recently saw Jobs.

"He weaves back and forth when we walks, as if he is having trouble keeping his balance and the pain of every step is evidence on his face."

Jobs has been on a medical leave for undisclosed reasons since mid-January.

As RadarOnline.com first reported, he is receiving treatment at the same cancer clinic where Hollywood star Patrick Swayze was a patient in his final days.

Our exclusive report sparked a 'flash crash' drop in Apple shares last week before they made a recovery as Jobs had a private meeting with President Obama.

It's unknown whether Jobs' current health battle is related to his liver transplant from 2009, or whether the pancreatic cancer he previously defeated has returned, or if indeed there is a new problem.

The official photos of Jobs at the President's event sparked much speculation about the Apple boss' appearance.

But this RadarOnline.com video makes it very clear that Jobs is struggling and the full impact of his health ordeal is more evident than in still photographs that have surfaced.

In 2004, Jobs was diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor, a rare form of cancer.

Amid the rampant speculation regarding Jobs' health, investors are preparing to vote on a resolution sponsored by an Illinois pension fund that would force the board to adopt and publish a "succession planning policy".

The policy would "identify and develop internal candidates", include emergency plans and be reviewed every year, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Source:Apple Boss Steve Jobs Unsteady On His Feet Day Of Treatment At Cancer Center




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