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2011年1月19日 星期三

[八卦娛樂] KARA 解散???

韓國時間2011年1月19日日除了隊長奎利外KARA的四位成員韓勝妍 、具荷拉、妮可、姜智英表示將單方面與DSP Media脫離合約,後來具荷拉表示不會解約,目前團體活動已停止,但隊長樸奎利不受影響。KARA的律師LAND MARK表示長期以來經濟公司靠著自己的權利強迫超負荷工作,完全不和成員們溝通私下隨意增加節目通告,包括不想參加的活動,而且必須參與所有的工作行程,這種情況已經持續了很久,在作出這個決定前已經盡力和公司妥協。但一切努力化作泡影,成員們受到了言語無法表達的傷害。她們每天活在奔波操勞之中,完全把人當成機器,不能再繼續待在這樣的公司,為了維護自己的權利所以決定宣布離開。KARA認為無法和公司恢復信任關係系是導致解約的最大原因,完全把自己當成賺錢工具,還有一些沒有提到的事情,讓我們活動事前完全沒有得到同意肆意妄為,也沒有提到活動原因和詳細內容,兩者間的信任關系已無法挽回。目前事態仍在發展中。

DSP Media官方聲明收入分成完全合理。說利用他們權力強迫她們參加不想參與的活動,這是毫無根據的。認為李浩延社長病假期間發展規劃混亂,阻礙了成員的發展並不是事實。這對於DSP的員工努力將Kara推向韓國熱門女團並且成為韓流主導的團體是種很大的毀謗。


Request For Contract termination

On January 19, 2011, a lawyer representing four of the five Kara members announced to the media that they would be terminating their contract with DSP Entertainment, effective immediately; a lawsuit was also filed on their behalf. Park Gyuri, the leader of the group, was the only one remaining with the management company. In a statement, the lawyer representing the four stated that "the company repeatedly denied any requests and unilaterally forced tasks upon the members", and that they have been preparing for legal action for two months. Later that day, it was announced that Goo Hara would discontinue her involvement with the suit and has rejoined the company, as she apparently was not fully aware of the lawsuit's details. In a statement, DSP Entertainment firmly rebutted all accusations, also stating that they wished to resolve the issues and reconcile with the members quickly. DSP also denied earlier reports of denying Kara members their fair share of profits, stating that each member was paid ₩300,000,000 for their work.

The lawyer for the three remaining members released another statement giving further details of their allegations. The members are stating that they were misinformed regarding their Japanese promotions, and that their relationship with the company severely deteriorated with the hospitalization of CEO Lee Ho-yeon in March 2010.





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