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2010年11月13日 星期六

[音樂頻道] 中美大戰 胡錦濤rap贏奧巴馬 (足本)

US-Sino Currency Rap Battle

The G20 is getting underway in South Korea. High on the agenda is the brewing currency battle between China and the United States.

Need a primer on the issues? Check out our US-Sino Currency Rap Battle, featuring Chinese president Hu Jintao and American president Barack Obama.

China has mad stacks of US Treasury debt and fears America will inflate its way out the hole by weakening the greenback further.

The US, on the other hand, says China is keeping its currency artificially undervalued to protect its exports.

It's a battle for the ages. And everything you need to know about US-Sino trade relations can be learned right here.

中美大戰 胡錦濤rap贏奧巴馬

在南韓首爾舉行的20國集團(G20)峯會昨日(周五)閉幕,中美這次在滙率和貿易問題上大鬥法,結果中國勝了一仗 ,在會後聯合公報未有要求停止低估貨幣滙價,亦未如美國所願為各國經常賬盈餘和虧損設限。




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