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這裏精選一些有趣得意、夠特色及娛樂性豐富的短片、圖片、文章、笑話給大家分享! 希望大家可以休閒一會!
根據英女皇父王佐治六世(King George VI of England) 妙趣動人史實改編。故事講述英皇次子伯特(哥連費夫飾)臨危授命登位成佐治六世,不過這位優雅國王自小有口難言,為讓口窒窒的伯特重振聲威,皇后伊莉莎伯利(海倫娜寶咸卡達飾)遍尋名醫,終遇上搞鬼多計古惑醫生萊利洛嘉(謝菲路殊飾演)。這位流氓醫生以離經叛道的療法,修補伯特的心靈傷口,二人經歷一次妙趣橫生的神奇治療,更建立起深厚的感情!二戰即將爆發,伯特要靠把口挽救全國的信心危機,在萊利及皇后扶持下,能否衝破心理障礙,一開金口?
Firth will play George VI, known as Bertie, the father of the current Queen Elizabeth II, who assumed the throne when his brother Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 to marry Wallis Simpson. The film will focus on his efforts to overcome a nervous stammer with the help of speech therapist Lionel Logue (Rush).
Justin Bieber was locked in a serious make-out session with the chick who stars in his "Baby" music video but the shocking part -- it all went down in the back of a Honda!!!
The chick playing tonsil hockey with The Biebs is 16-year-old Jasmine Villegas -- who also happens to be the opening act on Bieber's concert tour.
The photos were taken on Thursday, September 9 in Venice, CA by some Canadian tourist who just happened to notice his country's most famous pop star in the midst of a make-out session with the luckiest teenage girl on the planet.
The two had been rumored to be dating but they insisted they were just "really cool friends."
My friend Alex & I were driving along Princess Highway in Carlton (Sydney Australia) when we saw a HK double decker bus. We thought we entered the Twilight Zone and ended up in HK and back in time, lol. The destination sign was correct, the bus's licence plate were HK plates and this bus was an old model that has been phased out in HK. We still don't know why it's here, lol.
Ha ha halloween We are waiting for your scream Ha ha halloween Come celebrate ha-halloween 到十年鬼慶典 趁有命玩下先 Ha ha ha halloween Let us come and celebrate ha ha halloween