Funny Video Tube contains a collection of Funny Video, Picture Article and Joke that have been posted on the Internet over the past few years. You'll be able to find the latest Funny Video from around the world. If you have any Funny Video, or have created your own Funny Video, please send them in and we'll add them to our Blog! Please keep checking back whenever you're in need of a laugh.
這裏精選一些有趣得意、夠特色及娛樂性豐富的短片、圖片、文章、笑話給大家分享! 希望大家可以休閒一會!
主題曲「Water of Love」於滙演預告中揭曉,為「水舞間」這個萬眾期待的驚世滙演激起一股熱潮
Catch the web premiere of Sammi Cheng's performance of The House of Dancing Water theme song
New theme song 'Water of Love' unveiled at show preview offers first glimpse of the excitement of the World's Newest Most Spectacular Extravaganza at City of Dreams
鄭秀文 - Water of love (國語版)
作曲:鄭嘉嘉 填詞:郭啟華 編曲:陳奐仁 for the invisible men 監製:陳奐仁 for the invisible men 和唱:鄭嘉嘉